Child Welfare

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Children Welfare

The Children’s Defense Fund works to give every child a Safe Start in a permanent nurturing family and community. We work in collaboration with other national, state and local advocates and organizations to promote policies and promising systemic and programmatic approaches that strengthen and support children and families, prevent crises from occurring that often lead children and families to the child welfare system, help ensure quality care for children in foster care and promote appropriate timely permanent placements for children in foster care with birth, kin or adoptive families.

  •   2013 Children’s Sabbath Toolkit

    Each year on the third weekend in October, CDF-Texas invites faith leaders from across the state to join together to renew a commitment to children by hosting a Children’s Sabbath event.This Multi-Faith Outreach Toolkit includes sample pulpit announcements, articles, and other useful tools that we hope you will find helpful in promoting children’s wellbeing in your congregation.

  •   2016 All Healthy Children Campaign

    CDF-Texas’ All Healthy Children Campaign is an award-winning school-based child health outreach model that works to identify uninsured children and connects eligible, uninsured children to affordable healthcare. When children’s basic health needs are met, communities do better. We all do better. The challenges facing Texas children are urgent and impact all of us. However, together, there is no problem caring adults cannot solve. Every step we take to improve the lives of children, improves the lives of all of us.

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